Think of your roof as the shield that guards your home from the elements. When the integrity of a roof is compromised, leaks will happen and further damage will follow. To save yourself from having to pay for expensive roof repairs, it’s important to recognize signs of roof damage early on before they worsen. Continue reading to learn how you can spot signs of roof damage and what you can do to repair your roof in the Twin Cities metro.

Common Signs of Roof Damage
The most immediate and concerning sign of roof damage to your Twin Cities home will be water leaking down when it rains or when snow melts. Even if you don’t see the leak happening, you can recognize signs of a leak from the damage it leaves behind. A leaking roof will often result in yellowish or brownish stains to the walls and floors of your attic that, over time, may extend to the ceiling of your top floor. You might also see – or smell – mold growing in your attic, which usually only happens if there’s a leak.
Another way to recognize roof damage is to look for damage to your shingles, which may require you to get up on a ladder and inspect your roof and gutters up close. If you see shingles curling, cracking or buckling, this is a clear indicator of roof damage that probably goes deeper than what you can see. You might even notice that some shingles are missing entirely. If your home has an asphalt shingle roof, look in the gutters to see if they’re filled with granules; this is another sign of asphalt shingle deterioration.
What to Do About Roof Damage in the Twin Cities Metro
If your roof is leaking, it’s important to implement a temporary fix to minimize damage. Place a bucket under the leak or use a tarp to cover the hole on the roof to prevent continuing water damage to your home interior. Your next step should be to call a professional roof repair contractor in the Twin Cities metro area. While you may be able to complete some do-it-yourself roof repairs, more widespread or serious issues demand the attention of experienced roofers who can deliver a permanent solution. Depending on how severe the damage is, you may even need a full roof replacement.
It’s especially important to repair your roof before winter arrives. The cold and snow of a Minnesota winter is tough on roofs and may exacerbate existing issues. Additionally, when snow melts on your roof, it will pour through any leaks and cause water damage, which may lead to mold growing in the future.
The Twin Cities' #1 Roof Repair Company
Have you discovered roof damage that you want fixed ASAP? Give Incline Exteriors a call today for the best professional roof repair and replacement services in the greater Twin Cities metro area!